[Young people today suffer from some of the worst eco-anxiety, an issue perpetuated by a government that doesn't seem to care. Let's make them.]

Story: Get people to sign up to Greenpeace's Project Climate Vote.
Insight: Eco-anxiety is on the rise.
Journey: Sign up for the PCV and use TikTok activism.
Click through the below deck to understand more.
The problem identified was that the UK government isn’t doing anything to alleviate climate change.  Any Promise they have made to make a change in the future, they have either backed out of or extended the deadline.
The problem identified was that the UK government isn’t doing anything to alleviate climate change. Any Promise they have made to make a change in the future, they have either backed out of or extended the deadline.
The brief given was to get first time voters to sign up to Greenpeace’s Project Climate Vote.
The brief given was to get first time voters to sign up to Greenpeace’s Project Climate Vote.
Bringing us to our insight…
Bringing us to our insight…
Eco-anxiety. The extreme worry about current and future harm to the environment caused by human activity and climate change.
Eco-anxiety. The extreme worry about current and future harm to the environment caused by human activity and climate change.
When doing our research, we found that Eco-anxiety is part of the Gen Z cycle. They feel betrayed by the government for broken promises, angry because nothing is being done, guilty because they’re not doing anything to help and don’t know what to do, which brings on eco-anxiety because it is only getting worse for the environment, which then leads to back to feeling betrayed.
When doing our research, we found that Eco-anxiety is part of the Gen Z cycle. They feel betrayed by the government for broken promises, angry because nothing is being done, guilty because they’re not doing anything to help and don’t know what to do, which brings on eco-anxiety because it is only getting worse for the environment, which then leads to back to feeling betrayed.
Our solution to this is called “ Britain’s calling” A Greenpeace production.
Our solution to this is called “ Britain’s calling” A Greenpeace production.
The objective of our campaign is to make first time voters aware of the simple way in which they can help tackle climate change by signing up for Greenpeace's Project climate vote.
The objective of our campaign is to make first time voters aware of the simple way in which they can help tackle climate change by signing up for Greenpeace's Project climate vote.
We will produce a video that will have a custom soundtrack called “Britain’s Calling” based on the 1979 track “London’s Calling” by The Clash.  We have made an animatic that explains the idea more. Just a warning the following contains flashing images.
We will produce a video that will have a custom soundtrack called “Britain’s Calling” based on the 1979 track “London’s Calling” by The Clash.  We have made an animatic that explains the idea more. Just a warning the following contains flashing images.
The video follows 3 people (Orange, Pink and Teal) as they become angrier and more anxious about the climate crisis. Each person sees their own extreme scenario. Orange and Teal quickly learn what they can do to help but Pink remains paralyzed with eco-anxiety until the very end. In the video you can see them signing up for PCV and starting to help with the little they can. Orange starts using social media and the digital landscape to grow support. Pink begins to protest and do things in the real world. Teal begins actively helping the environment and community.  Aesthetically this campaign will draw from a grunge and punk style, using black and white photography with rips and tears and small pops of colour to add emphasis.
The video follows 3 people (Orange, Pink and Teal) as they become angrier and more anxious about the climate crisis. Each person sees their own extreme scenario. Orange and Teal quickly learn what they can do to help but Pink remains paralyzed with eco-anxiety until the very end. In the video you can see them signing up for PCV and starting to help with the little they can. Orange starts using social media and the digital landscape to grow support. Pink begins to protest and do things in the real world. Teal begins actively helping the environment and community. Aesthetically this campaign will draw from a grunge and punk style, using black and white photography with rips and tears and small pops of colour to add emphasis.
The doom scenarios would be: Sunbathing turns to Blizzard. Going shopping turns to Flood / Storm / Hurricane. Camping turns to Forest Fire / Heatwave. News stand turns to Tornado.
The doom scenarios would be: Sunbathing turns to Blizzard. Going shopping turns to Flood / Storm / Hurricane. Camping turns to Forest Fire / Heatwave. News stand turns to Tornado.
The soundtrack would be customised through: The main lyric London Calling would be changed to Britain’s Calling Working with new, rising artists (rap and more alternative artists) that connect with our market and getting them to add their own influence and styles into the track. Possibly artists that are rising on platforms such as TikTok.
The soundtrack would be customised through: The main lyric London Calling would be changed to Britain’s Calling Working with new, rising artists (rap and more alternative artists) that connect with our market and getting them to add their own influence and styles into the track. Possibly artists that are rising on platforms such as TikTok.
The song would be released online, on different music streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music, as well as be available on TikTok for people to produce their own videos with.
The song would be released online, on different music streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music, as well as be available on TikTok for people to produce their own videos with.
To accompany this, there will also be a filter that people can use to show their support with the campaign cause. The filter will show a ballot with a single box and the campaign name. All the user must do is drag the pencil over to the box, tick it and then post on their account to show their support. We kept it simple with a clear message and call to action.
To accompany this, there will also be a filter that people can use to show their support with the campaign cause. The filter will show a ballot with a single box and the campaign name. All the user must do is drag the pencil over to the box, tick it and then post on their account to show their support. We kept it simple with a clear message and call to action.
The inspiration for the filter came from the recent filters created for the Palestine and Gaza crisis. The idea is you collect the seeds with the watermelon and then post on your account. This then allows the creator of the filter to monetize and then donate the proceeds to the right charity. In less than a month, $14,000 was raised by simply getting users to post online. These posts don’t need to be made public, they just need to be posted online. This is what we hope to do with our filter but for Greenpeace.
The inspiration for the filter came from the recent filters created for the Palestine and Gaza crisis. The idea is you collect the seeds with the watermelon and then post on your account. This then allows the creator of the filter to monetize and then donate the proceeds to the right charity. In less than a month, $14,000 was raised by simply getting users to post online. These posts don’t need to be made public, they just need to be posted online. This is what we hope to do with our filter but for Greenpeace.
To bring the video into the real world we will be doing photo scape stalls in shopping centers in areas where the four-doom scenario natural disasters are most likely to occur. This allows people to interact face to face and also take photos and post onto social media to spread the word themselves.  Here you can see the proposed aesthetic of the campaign, going dark and dirty.
To bring the video into the real world we will be doing photo scape stalls in shopping centers in areas where the four-doom scenario natural disasters are most likely to occur. This allows people to interact face to face and also take photos and post onto social media to spread the word themselves. Here you can see the proposed aesthetic of the campaign, going dark and dirty.
The success of the campaign would be measured through Project Climate Vote sign up numbers, Funds raised, the number of filter uses on TikTok and finally the overall number of views the campaign video gets across social media.
The success of the campaign would be measured through Project Climate Vote sign up numbers, Funds raised, the number of filter uses on TikTok and finally the overall number of views the campaign video gets across social media.
In collaboration with my creative partner Becca Nason. Find her on Instagram at: @beccas_creative_

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