I have decided to try and create a couple of posters per week (not per day). These are based on a different word for each design and so styles differ drastically, which was a good way to expand my skill set. Unfortunately work and college got in the way of my continuing these, but I may revisit them sometime.
001 - Exhalted
001 - Exhalted
002 - Ambition
002 - Ambition
003 - Splendid
003 - Splendid
004 - Hyphen
004 - Hyphen
005 - Flabbergasted
005 - Flabbergasted
006 - Daydream
006 - Daydream
007 - Remembrance
007 - Remembrance
008 - History
008 - History
009 - Geography
009 - Geography
010 - Motivation
010 - Motivation
In autumn 2021 I revisited the favourite design (005 - Flabbergasted) and also gave it a sister - Mind Blown! I might possibly make more in my free time with different emojis, if you want to see one specifically send me a message on insta!
Mind Blown
Mind Blown

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