Another college project. This time 3D Materials. I decided to advertise Jelly Snakes so it is going to be an interesting set.
All product names, logos, and brands are property of their owners. All company, product and service names used on this page are for educational purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.
Sample 1
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 3
A few of my initial samples, exploring different layouts with the sweet packet. Feat. Lily. 
Some sample boomerangs for additional research. Feat. Lily and Yasmin
Final 3D Piece
For my final piece I decided to try make something different so I created a 3D POS (point of sale) advertising piece. 
Design Plan
Design Plan
FInal POS Piece
FInal POS Piece
Modelled by Taz
Modelled by Taz
Modelled by Taz
Modelled by Taz
⬇️ Go check out these wonderful people on insta ⬇️

🔥 Model - Yaz (@yaz_art_bcot)
🔥 Model - Lily (@lily_bcot_art)
🔥 Final POS Model - Taz (@tazo_arts)

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