Theo Nicholas ArtPortfolio_1.5.3→ Overview



                   MA Communication Design Project

Fluidity is a project that aims to generate conversation around the gender-neutral clothes shopping experience. It separates the ideas of gender and sex in store. Instead of clothing separated by societally enforced gender, its separated only by biological. No hard lines between male and female, instead a gradual flow between, meaning one can start by looking at dresses and end up looking at boxers.

This piece is centred around a 3D store model concept, and supported by a conversion guide that can be discreetly placed on till points and POS areas around stores now.

If you want to see the process of this project check out my Design Journal.

The A4 Zine Conversion Guide

Just one cheeky last point I would like to make: gender-neutral clothing has always existed, in fact most people have spent the first year of their life in gender-neutral clothing. We just don’t call it “gender-neutral”, we call it unisex - but unisex clothing isn’t controversial.
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