This is my current college project. Fashion Illustration mixed with Photography. After experimenting with different styles I decided to produce material for H&M.

All product names, logos, and brands are property of their owners. All company, product and service names used on this page are for ​​​​​​​educational purposes only.
Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.
Meet Rosie. A sample piece I made inspired by illustrations from the 1960s. (time-lapse on my Instagram)
Meet Veronica. This time inspired by a mixture of illustrations from 1900s. Extra points if you know where the characters from.
Meet Brianna. My final Fashion Illustration sample for now. Inspired by earlier illustrations from the 1700s with a modern take. (Extra points if you know who this is - name is a hint)
Some more additional samples, this time inspired by a range of different styles and aesthetics.
These samples consist of a collage made from pieces of Vogue and pieced together in a variety of compositions and layouts.
My last stylistic samples
My Final Fashion Illustration Look Book
Front Cover
Front Cover
Contents | Page 1 - Pattern
Contents | Page 1 - Pattern
Page 2 - Bright
Page 2 - Bright
Page 3 - Comfort
Page 3 - Comfort
Page 4/5 (Centrefold) - Afton
Page 4/5 (Centrefold) - Afton
Page 6 - Versatile
Page 6 - Versatile
Page 7 - Romper
Page 7 - Romper
Page 8 - Reinvent Staples | Page 9 - Styled By You
Page 8 - Reinvent Staples | Page 9 - Styled By You
Back Cover
Back Cover
⬇️ Go check out Afton (the model) on insta ⬇️
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