I designed the posters below to advertise my college's new E-Sports tournament / team. I created a glitched effect for the background which I then carried forward into the typography, however in a different variety. To keep my desired aesthetic I recoloured the game logos so they all matched with each other. Whilst the first design (blue text) was cool in theory, once printed it lost its effectiveness and therefore didn't work, so instead I tried a different colour, and used a combination of glitching effects to add depth. I took the main colour scheme from the British Esports Championships logo (top left). Overall I really like how this design came out, and I think it effectively portrayed the goal without cluttering the layout with pieces from each game.
All product names, logos, and brands are property of their owners. All company, product and service names used on this page are for ​​​​​​​educational purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.
An initial design I made.
An initial design I made.
The final poster.
The final poster.
An adaption of the poster for use on social media.
An adaption of the poster for use on social media.
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